Kartini Beach
Kartini Beach is tourist object in Bulu, Jepara, Central Java. This place is one of famous beach in Jepara. If you in Semarang and have a long holiday but you don't have a lot of money you can choose this place. Kartini beach can reach by Semarang city. It's only 85 km from Semarang to Jepara. You can use a car or motor cycle. The entrance to the Kartini beach is Rp.5000,00 per person and the entrance to the kura-kura ocean park is Rp.12.500,00 ( MondaY-Friday ) and Rp.17.500,00 ( Saturday and Holiday ). In Kartini beach youy can take a picture with a beautiful view. Because this place has a beautiful beach with white sand. Not only about beautiful view but you can find many facilities what you need such as motel, gazebos, children playground, toilet, restaurant, hotel, museum, and so on. Besides, the cool atmosphere make this place to be best tourist destination to relax with family or friends.
Another interesting thing in this beach is a big turtle and the ornament in the body like the real turtle. Kartini beach also can't be separated from traditional event called "lomban". It is the best moment if you want to go there. When this celebration the visitors not only from Jepara but also from other regency.
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