
Hi Guys,.. Let me introduce my self. My name is Diah Safitri Kumala Sari and Im in still fifth semester in Muhammadiyah University of Semarang. Guys, my purpose to created this blog are to share information, share my experiance, and all about education. So, lets join us and fine what you need

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Rabu, 03 Oktober 2018

Tips Wajah Glowing menggunakan air mawar

Pengen banget nggak sih punya muka yang glowing tanpa bawa kaca kemana mana untuk mastiin muka udah kusam apa masih aman. Pasti kalian sering ngomong sama diri sendiri, "Kok muka ku kusam, kok muka ku nggak putih, kok mereka gampang banget punya muka glowing, kok?kok?kok?"  Apakah kita cuma mau jadi followers?  Gimana?

Rahasia kulit glowing adalah Face spray
apa itu face spray?
Face spray adalah peyemprot wajah yang fungsinya untuk penyegar. Menyegarkan wajah, membuat make up tahan lama dan mengecilkan pori2. Jadi kenapa kulit bisa kelihatan glowing karena pori2 kecil tanpa minyak dan pastinya pipi kliatan mulus. Jadi kalau kena sinar kebayang kan kilau pipinya?

Lalu bagaimana membuatnya? mudah kog. Tak perlu budget mahal dan ribet. Berikut bahan2nya :
1. Air mawar

Image result for air mawar
Air mawar bisa menggunakan merk viva. Harga di supermarket cuma Rp 5.000. Siapkan kurang lebih 5 sendok makan.
2. Toner Lemon
Image result for toner lemon viva
Penyegar bisa didapat dari mustika ratu atau sari ayu, harga cuma Rp 15.000 dan bisa juga pakai merk lain. Tapi harus dipastikan aman ya. Siapkan 3 sendok makan saja.
3. Air mineral
Bisa menggunakan air merk le mineral atau sejenisnya. Yang penting pastikan bersih, bukan air kran, bukan air dari botol yang habis diminum(takutnya ada sesuatu yang masuk), atau air sumur ya. Pastikan air itu baru dan murni, belum diminum. Harga Rp 2.500.
4. Botol spray
Related image
Botol kosong bisa dibeli dengan harga Rp 8.000 untuk 100-150 ml.
Cara membuat :
Masukkan 5 sendok air mawar dan 3 sendok penyegar lemon ke dalam botol lalu tambahkan air sampai penuh. Gimana? Gampang kan?
Cara pakai : 
Pastikan wajahmu  bersih lalu tinggal dikocok sebentar lalu disemprot dengan jarak 10cm dr wajah.baru 2-3 menit ( wajah kering) kemudian gunakan make up. Nah, setelah make up mu selesai jangan lupa disemprot lagi (jangan di lap ya / tunggu sampai kering).
Hasil :
Tergantung tingkat kesabaran dan ketelatenanmu. Karena tiap-tiap jenis kulit orang berbeda, bisa 2-4 minggu, dijamin bersih dan glowing.
Gimana? Murah bukan?

Rabu, 12 September 2018

Puisi untukMu

-Pejuang Cinta-
Jika kamu matahari, aku tak ingin menjadi bulan.
Jika kamu adalah pagi, aku pun enggan menjadi malam.
Jika kamu adalah air sekalipun, aku tak akan sudi menjadi api.
Buat apa saling melengkapi jika tak bisa bersatu.
Aku hanya ingin menjadi tanah di atas naungan langitmu.
Agar kita mampu saling memandang dan bersatu walau dari kejauhan.
Iya kejauhan..
Layak nya hubungan kita sekarang ini..
Tak apa jika kita harus menahan rindu di belahan kota yang berbeda.
Karna gelar pejuang rindu hanya layak bagi orang orang tertentu.


Minggu, 10 Desember 2017

Idiom Test 2017

hi students !
Don't forget to click this link for completing Idiom Test 2017. Good luck !

Jumat, 13 Oktober 2017


Hi guys, I want to show you the example of interpreters job. It is about simultaneous type of interpreting in which interpreters are housed in a soundproof booth with a direct feed from the speaker's microphone. For more detail you can click on this link. 

Selasa, 13 Juni 2017

The Development of Language in Children

There are some relationship between children ability in mastering language and their second language. It considers the role of social factors in second language proficiency. In second language learning involves some different process and conditions in every achievement. For example, older learners no longer have the same natural ability to acquire their languages as do young children .Older learners are unlikely to acquire their second languges or native speaker accent than childrens. Childrens are less likely to develop their second language and develop grammatical ability.
The ability in language learning in children are different.They have different foci of interest and attention in language learning. So, teachers need to know how and when to push them (for example, make activities that improve students interest, ask students to make decision about their own learning and give positive feedback). Children have difficulties in developing their second language. The difficulties are to arrange words became a sentence using the right grammatical rules, and arrange every sentence became a coherence paragraph. Actually children have good ideas but they have difficulties in delivering their thought, they also have many basic mistakes about spelling, grammar, and organization. In this case usually children make errors in both comprehension and production of second languages.

Second language acquisition involves more than just producing words and sentences, but children should be able to combine every word and sentences which grammatically linked. Furthermore, the purpose of their language will be delivered well. Language is very important to be learnt by the children because it is used extensively in higher education and in the workplace. If the children do not know how to express their ideas in language, they will not be able to communicate well with other people in the social communication.